History at Home #5 – Al Capurso – The Victrola

Cobblestone Board Member Al Capurso explains a treasured Victrola he has at home.

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Sixty for Sixty

The Cobblestone Society is now 60 years young. We are celebrating the 60th anniversary of our founding in 1960. To commemorate this momentous occasion we have instituted a fundraising event called “Sixty for Sixty” with an aim to seek at least 60 donors willing to donate $60 each in honor

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History at Home – Episode 4 – Rare Books

We are continuing our series on “History at Home.” Today, Cobblestone Board Member Don Algeo talks about rare books.

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History at Home: Episode 2 – The Ship’s Wheel

Thank you Kim Charron for sharing this story.

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April is Volunteer Month

We are extremely grateful for all of our dedicated volunteers. Learn More

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History at Home: Episode 1-

Kim Charron explains a treasured hope chest in her home.

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Reluctant Home School Lesson 3

I hope you and your house-bound students are getting along okay. If you need a boost, here’s a short video that looks at Patent Medicines and Household Items from the 1800s. Discuss with your students how advertising and marketing products have changed. What is still the same?

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Thank You To Our Volunteers

The Cobblestone Museum is pleased to pay tribute to the many dedicated volunteers who helped make the Civil War Ghost Walk (October 2019) such a big success. The cast of about 75 made this production possible. Also, special thanks to show directors Sue Bonafini, Brenda Radzinski and Marty Taber. Preparations

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Reluctant Home School-History Lesson II

This is going out to all of the new “home-school” parents responding to the school closures. David Damico demonstrates an old printing press from the Cobblestone Museum. Students are well aware of the speedy, efficient laser and ink-jet printers that meet our needs today. In the attached short-clip David demonstrates

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Reluctant Home School – History Lesson #1

Okay, this is going out to all of the new, reluctant “home school” parents everywhere. Perhaps you are struggling with being creative in your “lesson plans.” In light of the current shortage in our food-chain, I am sending along this short video clip that you can share with your children

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