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Victorian Mourning Art

Mourning and the personal response to death are unique to every culture and even every person. The Cobblestone Museum is currently looking at this through a new exhibit entitled, “Manufactured Victorian Mourning Art.” Created and curated by Bill and Freeman Lattin, this three dimensional exhibit takes a look at the various objects found in American art pertaining to death and loss.

Besides art displaying the motifs of angels, wreaths and lambs, the exhibit also displays some artifacts related to mourning, including a crematory urn and a bone china teapot with a family mourning scene. One of the most unique artifacts in the museum is a beautiful tombstone donated to the Museum by the Memorial Art Gallery in Rochester that depicts a stand of weeping willows and an upright obelisk pointing to heaven. The Memorial Art Gallery donated the artifact to the Museum because they were not able to properly display it and wanted it to reside in a location where many people would enjoy its artistic and symbolic beauty.

This exhibit is located in the display case in the Proctor Room and is available for viewing throughout 2020. In accordance with new Covid-19 guidelines, please call the museum to let us know you will be coming to the museum.

  • July 2, 2024
  • 11:00 - 16:00
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